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8 ways to improve your digestion!

Suffering from poor digestion or bloating? Read here 8 ways to improve your digestion!

How unpleasant isn't that... You are doing your daily activities, but you suffer from a bloated feeling, flatulence, poor digestion and / or constipation. This makes you feel uncomfortable and certainly very annoying with social occasions.

To remedy these complaints, the tips below are very relevant. See which points you can improve and improve your digestion!

  1. Power supply

Your intestinal flora contains good and bad bacteria . The bad bacteria mainly stem from artificial sweeteners and other processed foods. Those bad bacteria cause your digestion to deteriorate, you get a bloated feeling and possibly also diarrhea. That is why it is very important to limit your intake of processed foods.

What many may not know is that the balance of our bacteria in the gut flora also affects our immune system, hormonal balance, mental health and more.

Good bacteria ensure that our food is better digested, vitamins are absorbed, your hormonal household is supported, your immune system is promoted and much more. Read here how you can strengthen your immune system.

Good bacteria can be found in natural products , such as sufficient fruit or vegetables, and therefore not in products with unhealthy fats and a lot of sugars.

You've probably heard of it, but fiber is very important for your digestive system, especially fiber from nuts, beans, vegetables and berries. These are insoluble fibers and ensure good digestion.

There is also soluble fiber and that fiber can be found in apples, oatmeal, beans and citrus fruits, for example. These fibers are known to suck water in the intestines and therefore provide a fuller feeling / no constipation.

Make sure you get enough unsaturated fats and not saturated fats . For example, you see a lot of saturated fats in fried food and those fats cause problems with your digestion.

Unsaturated fats aid your digestion, help fight inflammation and ensure you absorb essential nutrients from your food. You can find good fats in, for example: nuts, salmon, chia seeds and linseed.

  1. Drink enough

It is very important to drink enough if you want to promote your digestion. 2-3 liters of water per day , in combination with sufficient fiber, does wonders for your digestion.

Not drinking enough water is one of the biggest factors why you get constipated.

It is best to avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible. Caffeine and alcohol remove water from your body and can cause digestive problems.

  1. Reduce stress

Even if you eat healthy, a lot of stress can cause the bacteria in your intestinal flora to be changed, causing you to suffer from your digestive system. In addition to the fact that you can suffer from your digestive system due to stress, stress can also cause your immune system and hormonal household to change / deteriorate.

What you may not know is that your gut flora and brain are closely connected. So when you experience a lot of stress mentally, your body will not be able to rest properly so that your digestion runs smoothly.

It is of course difficult to let your stress go away, but there are several ways to deal with stress. You do this, for example, by taking a walk, meditating and writing down what bothers you so that you can put the problem into perspective or find a solution for it.

  1. Eat slowly

When you eat in a hurry and quickly, your body will not produce enough saliva and enzymes needed to break down food. Also, the risk of bacterial overgrowth from pieces of food that have not been properly digested can increase.

It is therefore important to eat slowly, so that your digestive system can do its job properly.

  1. Exercise regularly

When you exercise, your heart rate goes up and your blood circulation becomes faster. This gives the organs in your digestive system the nutrients they need to function as well as possible.

This can be done by exercising about 3-5 times a week, but also taking a walk or doing another activity in between helps enormously.

  1. Get enough sleep

Your digestive system requires a lot of energy . That is why it is very important that you get enough sleep so that your digestive organs get the rest and recovery to function optimally.

So when you don't get enough sleep, this has a negative effect on multiple systems in your body. Try to maintain 8 hours of sleep and regularity/consistency in your sleep pattern.

  1. Choose a vegetable protein powder

To promote your digestion, you can benefit greatly from switching to a plant-based protein powder. Whey protein contains lactose (milk sugar) and this is known to cause many people problems with their digestion.

In addition, you can also recognize that you are lactose intolerant by the following characteristics: bloating and hormonal acne.

That is why it is good to look for a Vegan protein powder that suits you. Our protein powders are 100% natural and contain both acacia fiber and digestive enzymes. These ingredients ensure good digestion and the digestive enzymes even ensure that you absorb the nutrients better, so that you achieve more results. All our Vegan protein powders are also gluten, dairy and soy free.

  1. Additional supplements

To support your intestinal flora and to ensure that you have the right bacterial balance, there are a number of supplements that help with this. Consider, for example, probiotics . Probiotics contain high amounts of beneficial lactic acid bacteria . These bacteria, such as the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, survive the stomach acid and thus reach the intestine.

Probiotics ensure proper functioning of your intestines and also help to improve your immune system .